Day 25: 30 Days of Prayer for Hope
But as for me, I am poor and needy; come quickly to me, O God. You are my help and my deliverer; Lord, do not delay. (Psalms 70:5)
Drugs are constantly available to children from the streets and slums of Brazil. Once at Hope, many of our kids must work incredibly hard—with God’s help—to be free from them.
Anna is one of those kids. As a child, she was introduced by a caregiver to the drugs easily-accessible in the slum where she lived.
. . . One day he made me smoke a rock with him. After the very first time, it was like [I had found] everything I had ever wanted. We went on to smoke about six rocks a day. He would abuse me, I would feel pain, and then he would bring out the ‘medicine.’ Drugs destroyed me. I lost everything—my family, friends, social life. I wanted to die. One day I looked at myself in the mirror and did not recognize myself.
Somehow, I found myself at the City of Youth. I hated the very idea of it. And at first, [the loss of drugs] was so great it scared me. I would stuff myself with any sweets and candy I could hide away. I would often cry and think about suicide. When I slept, I would dream I was smoking. When I was awake, I thought I could smell the drug, and I imagined that I could hear the crackling of the burning rocks.
But then God started acting in my life. It was nothing instantaneous. I still felt a desire to use. But with Jesus, it became easier. In September, it will be one year since I was saved!
Today, Anna encourages other children to stop using and is an example to many. Praise God!
Father, our hearts break for the millions of street children who turn to drugs for comfort. We know you love them and have already paid the price for their redemption, but they do not know their true worth as your sons and daughters. We pray your transforming love will be revealed to them as you encourage them in their goal: overcoming drugs.
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