It’s Friday evening; I am sitting on the front porch, watching the thunderstorms begin to roll in, and, quite honestly, feeling a bit overwhelmed. There is a payroll to make, other bills to pay, income is down for the month of July, political maneuvering in Brazil threatens our program, and things are just not rolling as smoothly as they should. Things look pretty dark right now, both literally and figuratively.
God, don’t you understand? We are the good guys here. How about a little help?
Then I read I John 1:5. “God is light; in Him there is no darkness at all.” Could walking in the light mean that we see things as they really are, rather than just how they appear to be on the surface? I know that we are being obedient; I know that God wants this ministry to thrive, so why is it that I see only obstacles?
Then Sunday morning rolls around. As I sit in worship, we read the long passage of the Israelites’ flight from Egypt. God had shown His strong hand through a series of miracles that led to the captives being set free, but Pharaoh went back on his word, and sent his armies after them.
It seems to me that once God has spoken, an issue ought to be resolved, and the obstacles and challenges behind us. But that certainly is not the way the story of the Israelites worked out. God spoke and acted, but that did not mean that no obstacles would remain, nor that those who had made promises would not turn on their word, nor that God’s people would not have to struggle, nor even that there would be no need for additional miracles of God. What those initial miracles in Egypt did mean was that God was involved, and would see His plan through to the end.
Last April we at Hope Unlimited for Children felt we had no choice but to close one of our facilities in Brazil. But God strikingly inserted Himself into our affairs, and miraculously made provision. That does not mean it has been easy sailing since. It does, however, mean that God will continue to faithfully provide, and walking in the light lets us see not the troubled surface, but the depths of His provision.
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