…And now to the other writing project I mentioned in the last post–but first a bit of background.
On November 3, churches around the world will observe Orphan Sunday. A few years ago, an African pastor, seeing the overwhelming need of AIDS orphans in his community, challenged his church to become the hands and feet of Christ to these children. The church gave, not out of their abundance, but out of their poverty, to care for the orphans, one woman literally giving the shoes off her feet. Just a few years later, churches all over the world are responding to God’s call to care for the fatherless, and Orphan Sunday is a time for us all to unite to give voice to the voiceless. You can see the video of this incredible story here.
Over the last several months, I have worked alongside our Hope team to develop a devotional guide that focuses on the work of Hope Unlimited. For the 30 days leading up to Orphan Sunday, we want this guide to lead us through a season of prayer for the ministry of Hope. Our official 30 Days of Prayer for Hope kicks off on Friday, and you will find a daily devotional here each day.
At Hope Unlimited we believe in the power of prayer. We have seen the Hand of God move, and we have seen lives and circumstances transformed in ways that can only be explained when viewed through the lens of faith. For the next 30 days, please sojourn with us down this path of prayer. We shall see where God takes us…
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