2.5%. That’s how much American evangelicals give to Christian causes. Not 15%, not even the biblically-mandated 10%. Just 2.5%.
But here’s the really disappointing number: 98% of that tiny 2.5% primarily benefits other Christians. This basically means that of every $100 of income earned by American evangelicals, about 5 cents goes to touch the lives of those that Jesus called “the least of these.” A nickel.
This is not about hard economic times preventing us from giving. In fact, the opposite is true: since the Great Depression, income has risen on a fairly consistent curve, with only a few blips along the way. At the same time, however, giving as a function of income has steadily decreased. Simply put, the more we have the more we keep.
We need a revolution here. We need to take the needs of the world around us seriously. The Church needs to be reminded that spending 85% of its resources on salaries, facilities, and other internal needs of the congregation makes a mockery of the Great Commission.
It starts with you. Will you become a revolutionary?
Check back next week for more fuel for this fire.
Would you please share your sources for these numbers? I’d really like to use them but need to know where they come from. Thanks so much–
Trisha, these numbers show up in a lot of places, but one of the most accessible resources is a foundation called Generous Giving. I encourage you to go to the link below to see current stats and trends in giving among Christians: http://generousgiving.org/stats